


VENUE: Suzhou, China

The 10th China International Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Storage Charging

UPDATE: August 28, 2023


EESA the 2nd China International Energy Storage Exhibition and the 10th China International Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Storage Charging

As a renowned platform for integrating resources across the entire energy storage industry chain in China, the Eastern China Energy Storage Alliance (EESA) has been dedicated to building an integrated ecosystem for the energy storage industry. It is committed to providing comprehensive opportunities for energy storage enterprises to showcase their brands and technologies, establishing more high-quality and efficient channels for communication and cooperation, and advancing together with the industry. From August 28th to September 1st, 2023, the second China International Energy Storage Exhibition and the tenth China International Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Storage Charging, organized by EESA, will be proudly held in Suzhou. As the most focused energy storage exhibition in China and even the entire Asia region, this event will span an impressive area of 100,000 square meters, featuring participation from over 1,000 core energy storage companies nationwide.



香港九龙湾常悦道1号, 恩浩国际中心22C

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