全球代理商招募 | 共创电池测试未来
VENUE: 中国·南京
From October 14 to 17, the 15th National Symposium on New Carbon materials sponsored by Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences was held in Shenzhen.
2024年中国钠电技术创新与产业化高峰论坛同期同址举办:2024年中国固态电池技术创新与产业化高峰论坛2024年4月17-19日 中国·常州会议背景固态电池是当前二次电池领域最为活跃的研究方向之一。理论上,全固态锂离子电池的能量密度可达 900Wh/kg,由于采用固体电解质与高比能量负极,并可能防止锂枝晶导致的电池内部短路,固态电池的能量密度和循环寿命方面有望较传统锂电池有大幅提升。同时,固态电
The 2022 MRS Fall Meeting will be held November 27 – December 2, 2022, in Boston, Massachusetts, at the Hynes Convention Center and adjacent Sheraton Boston Hotel, and then December 6 – 8 in a virtual format.
第四届功能材料与界面科学大会暨2024年能源青年科学家论坛 第四届功能材料与界面科学大会暨2024年能源青年科学家论坛由天津工业大学、北京理工大学、常州大学主办,贵州梅岭电源有限公司、浙江锋锂新能源科技有限公司,中南大学粉末冶金国家重点实验室协办,Journal of Energy Chemistry、Rare Metals、Chinese Chemical Letters、物理化学学
September 26,2022
The 5th Organic Battery Days at the University of Houston will take place on October 13–14, 2022.
August 02,2023
The achievement of carbon neutrality goals has spurred the development of the new energy industry. With increasing demand for emissions reduction, there has been rapid progress in new energy materials
October 12,2022
2022 Forum on Carbon Material Technology for High Energy Density Batteriesy will be held at Shangri-La Hotel, Ningbo, China from October 12-14, 2022, with the theme of "Carbon" to explore the infinite
March 10,2023
The 5th Academic Conference on New Energy Materials and Devices in China" is scheduled to be held in Changsha from March 10-12, 2023 which jointly organized by China Nonferrous Metals Society, Central
April 19,2024
第一届新型电力系统储能技术研讨会2024年4月19-21日 中国·武汉会议概述尊敬的各位专家、学者、企业代表、各有关单位:为响应国家“双碳”战略,满足新型电力系统建设的紧迫需求,促进储能领域的多学科交叉融合与协同创新,推动储能技术在电力系统中的广泛应用,由中国电工技术学会、华中科技大学共同主办的 “第一届新型电力系统储能技术研讨会”拟于2024年4月在湖北武汉市召开。研讨会聚焦双碳目标下新型电力
May 26,2023
In order to focus on the challenges and opportunities in the development of energy storage technology and its industry-education integration in the context of the "double carbon" target, and to streng